Configure Your Firewall

If you have a firewall protecting your computer, you'll need to grant access through the firewall to Wireless Workbench. Log in to your computer as an administrator to gain full access to your firewall settings or contact your IT administrator for assistance.

For third-party firewall software, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for granting access to each instance of an application (there may be more than one instance).

Note: Some VPN clients also include firewall settings, and you may need to contact your system administrator to adjust those settings.


  1. From System Preferences, access firewall settings.
  2. If the firewall is on, open the Firewall Options to view the applications that request network access.
  3. For each of the following applications, select Allow Incoming Connections:
    • Wireless
    • snetDameon


  1. Open the Windows Firewall on your computer.
  2. Place a check in all boxes next to each instance of an of the following applications (there may be more than one) to allow access to Domain Networks, Private Networks, and Public Networks:
    • wireless workbench
    • snetDameon.exe

Refer to the Microsoft website if you need additional help with firewall configuration.